
Dr Perini MD, PhD, FRACS is a surgeon-scientist who has dedicated his life to caring for patients with liver, bile duct and pancreas diseases. He is a highly experienced surgeon in his speciality, having performed more than two hundred liver transplants, countless liver surgeries and pancreatic cancer resections, including major vascular reconstructions and multi organ resections. These complex surgeries demand great expertise, a multidisciplinary approach and technical skills to achieve good outcomes. Moreover, Dr Perini is highly committed to patient care and seeks a personalised approach to best address each patient's needs.

Dr Perini has been continually working to improve his knowledge and contribute to further evolving techniques and treatments for liver, bile duct, and pancreas tumours in the research field. He has published more than ninety articles in peer-reviewed journals and over twenty book chapters. Dr Perini has been invited to lecture at many international conferences and congresses in recognition of his expertise. He also holds a Master's and a PhD in Science and has been responsible for supervising many PhD candidates at The University of Melbourne and training young surgeons at the Department of Surgery, Austin Hospital.

Currently, Dr Perini works as a Consultant Surgeon in the HPB and Liver Transplant Unit at Austin Hospital and is an Associate Professor of Surgery at The University of Melbourne. He has been working in both places for the past nine years. He completed his fellowship at Austin Hospital and underwent a sub-specialisation in HPB and Liver Transplantation Surgery in Brazil, and the USA, where he studied at the Mayo Clinic Rochester and Medical College of Wisconsin.

Liver surgery and transplantations have been his passion since he started medical training. Early in his career, he developed an interest in liver surgery; one of his first scientific publications was about biliary anatomy applied to liver transplantation. He completed an elective rotation in the Liver Transplant Unit at the University of Bologna, Italy.

Dr Perini graduated from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, which is considered the best medical university in Latin America.


Research & Publications

A/Prof Marcos Perini has published over 90 international peer reviewed articles with different levels of authorships, on the domains of his expertise which are Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary surgery and Liver Transplantation. To access each article, please click on its underlined title.

  1. Perini MV, Lupinacci RM, Hong SK. Editorial: Laparoscopic and Robotic Liver Surgery. Front Surg. 2022 Feb 23;9:854582. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.854582. PMID: 35284474; PMCID: PMC8904731.

  2. Miles LF, Couture EJ, Potes C, Makar T, Fernando MC, Hungenahally A, Mathieson MD, Perlman H, Perini MV, Thind D, Weinberg L, Denault AY. Preliminary experience with continuous right ventricular pressure and transesophageal echocardiography monitoring in orthotopic liver transplantation. PLoS One. 2022 Feb 4;17(2):e0263386. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263386. PMID: 35120144.

  3. Goh SK, Cox DRA, Weickhardt A, Muralidharan V, Perini MV. Pancreatic mass in a patient undergoing immunotherapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: dilemmas in management. ANZ J Surg. 2021 Nov 14. doi: 10.1111/ans.17363. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34775660.

  4. Furtado R, Yoshino O, Muralidharan V, Perini MV, Wigmore SJ. Hepatectomy after bile duct injury: a systematic review. HPB (Oxford). 2022 Feb;24(2):161-168. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2021.09.012. Epub 2021 Oct 5. PMID: 34702627.

  5. Perini MV, Muralidharan V. Editorial: reducing blood loss in liver transplantation-the impact of surgical technique. Ann Transl Med. 2021 Nov;9(22):1636. doi: 10.21037/atm-2021-13.

  6. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative. SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study. First published: 24 August 2021  doi.org/10.1111/anae.15563.

  7. Privett BJ, Perini MV, Weinberg L, Fink MA, Muralidharan V, Lee E, Starkey G, Jones R, Lin YJ, Nikfarjam M. Reduction in post-operative pancreatic fistula with polyethylene glycol and recombinant human albumin sealant following stapled distal pancreatectomy. ANZ J Surg. 2021 Nov;91(11):2459-2465. doi: 10.1111/ans.17181. Epub 2021 Sep 13. PMID: 34514684.

  8. COVIDSurg Collaborative. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. GlobalSurg Collaborative.Br J Surg. 2021 Sep 27;108(9):1056-1063. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znab101.

  9. COVIDSurg Collaborative. Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. COVIDSurg Collaborative; GlobalSurg Collaborative.Anaesthesia. 2021 Jun;76(6):748-758. doi: 10.1111/anae.15458. Epub 2021 Mar 9.

  10. Yoshino O, Wong BKL, Cox DRA, Lee E, Hepworth G, Christophi C, Jones R, Dobrovic A, Muralidharan V, Perini MV. Elevated levels of circulating mitochondrial DNA predict early allograft dysfunction in patients following liver transplantation. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Dec;36(12):3500-3507. doi: 10.1111/jgh.15670. Epub 2021 Sep 3. PMID: 34425021.

  11. Tang GT, Shaylor R, Hui V, Przybylowski G, Jones RM, Starkey G, Perini MV, Wang BZ, Zantomio D, Hogan C, Fink MA. The use of organ donor blood in liver transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2021 Sep;35(9):e14419. doi: 10.1111/ctr.14419. Epub 2021 Sep 16. PMID: 34236114.

  12. COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative. Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia 2021 doi:10.1111/anae.15560.

  13. Gunda D, Naughton J, Stevens SG, Perini MV. Castleman's disease masquerading as pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour. BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Jun 24;14(6):e242597. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-242597. PMID: 34167983; PMID: PMC8230983.

  14. Perini MV, Muralidharan V. Editorial: Training the general surgeon: balancing core and subspecialty exposure. ANZ J Surg. 2021 Jun;91(6):1053-1054. doi: 10.1111/ans.16923. PMID: 34121293.

  15. Riddiough GE, Fifis T, Walsh KA, Muralidharan V, Christophi C, Tran BM, Vincan E, Perini MV. Captopril, a Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitor, Attenuates Features of Tumor Invasion and Down-Regulates C-Myc Expression in a Mouse Model of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis. Cancers (Basel). 2021 May 31;13(11):2734. doi: 10.3390/cancers13112734. PMID: 34073112; PMCID: PMC8199217.

  16. Wang X, Teh CSC, Ishizawa T, Aoki T, Cavallucci D, Lee SY, Panganiban KM, Perini MV, Shah SR, Wang H, Xu Y, Suh KS, Kokudo N. Consensus guidelines for the use of fluorescence imaging in hepatobiliary surgery. Ann Surg 2020 Dec 18: doi 10.1097/SLA.

  17. Lee DK, Frye A, Louis M, Koshy AN, Tosif S, Yii M, Ma R, Nikfarjam M, Perini MV, Bellomo R, Weinberg L. Postoperative complications and hospital costs following small bowel resection surgery. PLoS One Oct 2020 PMID: 33085700.

  18. Riddiough GE, Jalal Q, Perini MV, Majeed AW. Liver regeneration and liver metastasis. Semin Cancer Biol 2020 Jun  9:S1044-579X(20)30108-5. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2020.05.01.

  19. Fink M, Starkey G, Perini MV, Wang BZ, Jones RM. Comparison of split liver and whole liver transplantation for higher acuity recipients - a propensity match study. Transplantation Sep 2020, 104 S3 p538.

  20. Fink M, Starkey G, Perini MV, Wang BZ, Gow P, Jones RM. Sharing of deceased donor livers in Australia and New Zealand. Transplantation Sep 2020, 104 S3 p214.

  21. Valejo-Ardilla D. Walsh K, Fifis T, Paolini R, Kastrapis G, Christophi C, Perini MV. Immunomodulatory effects of Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on T lymphocytes in mice with Colorectal Liver Metastases. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. 2020 May;8(1):e000487. doi: 10.1136/jitc-2019-000487.

  22. Perini MV, Dmello RS, Nero TL, Chand AL. Evaluating the benefits of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors as cancer treatments. Pharmacol Ther 2020 March 12:107527. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2020.107527.

  23. Cox D, Yeo D, Muralidharan V, Christophi C, Perini MV. The Surgical Management of Combined Lung and Liver Metastases in Colorectal Cancer. Surgical Oncology, 2020. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  24. Perini MV, Christophi C, Muralidharan V. What makes an article impactful? ANZ J Surg. 2020 Jan;90(1-2):8. doi: 10.1111/ans.15643. PubMed PMID: 32067309.

  25. Riddiough G, Muralidharan V, Jones RM, Christophi C, Perini MV. Small for size syndrome post major hepatectomy: a systematic review. HPB (Oxford) 2019 Nov 27  doi 10.1016/j.hpb.2019.10.2445.

  26. Hey P, Hanrahan T, Sinclair M, Testro A, Angus P, Peterson A, Warrilow S, Bellomo R, Perini MV, Starkey GS, Jones RM, Fink MA, McClure T, Gow P. Epidemiology and outcomes of acute liver failure in Australia. World Journal Hepatol. 2019 Jun 27;11(7):586-595 doi: 10.4254/wjh.v11.i7.586.

  27. Chan J, Bradshaw L, Houli N, Weinberg L, Perini MV, Fink M, Muralidharan V, Starkey G, Jones R, Wang BZ, Christophi C, Nikfarjam M. Outcomes of Central Hepatectomy versus Extended Hepatectomy. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int; 2019 Mar 26. pii: S1499-3872(19)30041-4 doi: 10.1016/j.hbpd.2019.03.005.

  28. Riddiough GE, Fifis T, Muralidharan V, Perini MV, Chirstophi C. Searching for the Link: Mechanisms Underlying Liver Regeneration and Recurrence of Colorectal Liver Metastasis Post Partial Hepatectomy. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; March 3, 2019 doi: 10.1111/jgh.14644.

  29. Cox DRA, Fong J, Liew CH, Goh SK, Yeoh M, Fink MA, Jones RM, Mukkadayil J, Nikfarjam M, Perini MV, Rumler G, Starkey G, Christophi C, Muralidharan V. Emergency Presentations of Acute Biliary Pain: Changing Patterns of Management in a Tertiary Institute. ANZ J Surg; December 2018; 88 (12): 1337-1342. Doi: 10.1111/ans.14898. Epub 2018 Nov 9. PubMed PMID: 30414227.

  30. Tai J, Perini MV, Azlanudin A, Muralidharan V, Christophi C. Bile Duct Resection for Eosinophilic Cholangitis. ANZ J Surg;  29 November 2018. Doi: 10.1111/ans.14931. PubMed PMID: 30497108.

  31. da Costa PLN, Wynne D, Fifis T, Nguyen L, Perini MV, Christophi C. The kallikrein-Kinin system modulates the progression of colorectal liver metastases in a mouse model. BMC Cancer; 4 April 2018; 18(1):382.

  32. Perini MV, Starkey GM, Goh SK, Riddiough GE, Christophi C. Laparoscopic Treatment of a Patent Ductus Venosus and the Use of Indocyanine Green to Monitor  Perioperative Hepatic Function. J Surg Case Rep; 22 February 2018; 2018(2):rjy026. Doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjy026.

  33. Chan J, Perini MV, Fink M, Nikfarjam M. The Outcomes of Central Hepatectomy versus Extended Hepatectomy: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. HPB (Oxford); 10 February 2018. Pii: S1365-182X(17)31195-4.

  34. Perini MV, Tai J, Muralidharan V, Christophi C. Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Liver Resection for Colorectal Liver Metastases. ANZ J Surg. 8 February 2018. Doi: 10.1111/ans.14405. PubMed PMID: 29424101.

  35. Young T, Houli N, Starkey G, Nikfarjam M, Jones R, Fink M, Muralidharan V, Perini MV, Christophi C. Patterns of Lymph Node Recurrence in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases after Surgery: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study. Cancer and Clinical Oncology; 6 (2), 2017.

  36. Kim S, Fink M, Perini MV, Muralidharan V, Starkey G, Jones RM, Christophi C, Nikfarjam M. Age 80 Years and Over is not Associated with Increased Morbidity and Mortality Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy. ANZ J Surg; 2017 – un 7. Doi: 10.1111/ans.14039.

  37. Sidhu A, Goh SK, Lee E, Christophi C, Perini MV. Salmonella Typhimurium: A Rare Cause of Mesh-Related Infection. J Surg Case Rep; 19 October 2017; 2017(10) PMID: 29423141.

  38. Yoshino O, Perini MV, Christophi C, Weinberg L. Perioperative Fluid Management in Major Hepatic Resection: an Integrative Review. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int; 15 October 2017; 16(5):458-469.

  39. Perini MV, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Rocha FG, Herman P. Extended Right Hepatectomy with Caudate Lobe Resection Using the Hilar ‘En Bloc’ Resection Technique with a Modified Hanging Maneuver. J Surg Oncol; 2016 Mar;113(4):427-31doi: 10.1002/jso.24154. 

  40. Testro A, Hardikar W, De Cruz P, Chapman B, Hamilton K, Holmes K, Hughes T, Starkey A, Fink M, Perini M, Jones R. Outcomes of patients listed for intestinal transplantation in Australia. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; 2016, 31 pg 165.

  41. Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Fonseca GM, Araujo RL, Jeismann VB, Perini MV, Lupinacci RM, Cecconello I, Herman P. Laparoscopic Liver Resection: Experience Based Guidelines. World J Gastrointest Surg; 27 January 2016; 8(1):5-26.

  42. Perini MV, Lima F, Frenk NE, Leao Filho HM, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Rocha MS, Herman P. Serous Cystadenocarcinoma of the Pancreas Presenting with Liver Metastases: Case Report and Literature Review. Journal of Online Pancreas; 8 January 2016; 17(1):81-85.

  43. Coelho FF, Perini MV, Kruger JA, Lupinacci RM, Makdissi FF, D’Albuquerque LA, Cecconello I, Herman P. Video Assisted Resections, Increasing Access to Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery? Revista Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgia; October 2015; 42(5):318-24.  10.1590/0100-69912015005009.  

  44. Perini MV, Montagnini AL, Coudry R, Patzina R, Penteado S, Abdo EE, Diniz A, Jukemura J, Cunha JEM. Prognostic Significance of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Overexpression in Pancreas Cancer and Nodal Metastasis. ANZ J Surg; March 2015; 85(3):174-8. Doi: 10.1111/ans.12399. Epub 2013 Sep 25.

  45. Perini MV, Herman P, Montagnini AL, Jukemura J, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Bacchella T, Cecconello I. Liver Resection for the Treatment of Post-Cholecystectomy Biliary Structure with Vascular Injury. World J Gastroenterol; 21 February 2015; 21(7):2102-7.

  46. Herman P, Kruger JA, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Cecconello I. High Mortality Rates After ALPPS: the Devil is the Indication. J Gastrointest Cancer; 15 February 2015. PMID:25682120.

  47. Perini MV, Starkey G, Fink MA, Bhandari R, Muralidharan V, Jones R, Christophi C. From Minimal to Maximal Surgery in the Treatment of Hepatocarcinoma: Review. World J Hepatol; 27 January 2015; 7(1):93-100.

  48. Herman P, Chagas AL, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Fonseca GM, Alves VA, Carrilho FJ, Cecconello I. Surgical Treatment of Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma: An Underestimated Malignant Tumor? Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int; December 2014; 13(6):618-21. PMID:25475864.

  49. Kruger JA, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Cecconello I, Herman P,. Laparoscopic Transthoracic Liver Resection. Arg Bras Cir Dig; November-December 2014; 27(4):288-90.

  50. Colaneri RP, Coelho FF, de Cleva R, Perini MV, Herman P. Splenic Artery Ligature Associated with Endoscopic Bandling for Schistosomal Portal Hypertension. World J Gastroenterol; 28 November 2014; 20(44):16734-8.

  51. Lupinacci RM, Mello ES, Pinheiro RS, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Perini MV, Herman P. Prognostic Implication of Mucinous Histology in Resected Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases. Surgery; June 2014; 155(6):1062-8. Doi: 10.1016/j.surg,2014.01.011.

  52. Coelho FF, Perini MV, Kruger JA, Lupinacci RM, Fonseca GM, Lopes FD, Cecconello I. Management of Variceal Hemorrhage: Current Concepts. Arq Bras Cir Dig; April-June 2014; 27(2):138-44.  

  53. Pinheiro RS, Herman P, Lupinacci RM, Lai Q, Mello ES, Coelho FF, Perini MV, Pugliese V, Andraus W, Cecconello I, D’Albuquerque LC. Tumor Growth Pattern as Predictor of Colorectal Liver Metastasis Recurrence. Am J Surg; April 2014; 207(4):493-8.

  54. Perini MV. Synchronous colorectal cancer liver metastasis: is simultaneous liver resection desirable? HPB (Oxford) March 2014, 16 (Suppl 2);50-52.

  55. Fontana R, Herman P, Pugliese V, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Cecconello I. Surgical Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in Patientes with Synchronous Colorectal Liver Metastases. Arq Gastroenterol; March 2014; 51(1):4-9.

  56. Lupinacci RM, Mello ES, Pinheiro RS, Marques G, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Perini MV, Herman P. Intrahepatic Lymphatic Invasion but not Vascular Invasion is a Major Prognostic Factor after Resection of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases. World J Surgery; 25 March 2014.

  57. Herman P, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Lupinacci RM, Fonseca GM, Lopes FD, Cecconello I. Laparoscopic Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: When, Why and How? A Single-Center Experience. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A; 2014 Apr;24(4):223-8  doi: 10.1089/lap.2013.0502

  58. Perini MV, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Herman P. Synchronous Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis: Is Simultaneous Approach the Best Strategy? Journal of Gastrointestinal Diseases System 2014: 4(2).

  59. Herman P, Pinheiro RS, Mello ES, Lai Q, Lupinacci RM, Perini MV, Pugliese V, Andraus W, Coelho FF, Cecconello I, D’Albuquerque LC. Surgical Margin Size in Hepatic Resections for Colorectal Metastasis: Impact on Recurrence and Survival. Arq Bras Cir Dig; November-December 2013; 26(4):309-14.

  60. Sayao Filho RH, Perini MV, Cruz JA, Requena J, Barbeiro HV, Molan NT, Lopasso FP, D’Albuquerque LA, Cecconello I. Superoxid Dismutase Activity in Portal Vein Endothelium after Partial Liver Resection. Acta Cir Bras; September 2013; 28(9):646-51.

  61. Nikfarjam M, Yeo D, Perini MV, Fink MA, Muralidharan V, Starkey G, Jones RM, Christophi C. Outcomes of Cholecystectomy for Treatment of Acute Cholecystitis in Octogenarians. ANZ J Surg; 1 August 2013; Doi: 10.1111/ans.12313.

  62. Lupinacci RM, Coelho FF, Perini MV, Lobo EJ, Ferreira FG, Szutan LA, Lopes Gde J, Herman P. Current Management of Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer: Recommendations of the Sao Paulo Liver Club. Rev Col Bras Cir; June 2013; 40(3):251-60.

  63. Otoch JP, Minamoto H, Perini MV, Carneiro FO, de Almeida Artifon EL. Is There a Correlation Between Right Bronchus Length and Diameter with Age? J Thorac Dis; June 2013; 5(3):306-9.

  64. Herman P, Kruger J, Lupinacci R, Coelho F, Perini MV. Laparoscopic Bisegmentectomy 6 and 7 Using a Glissonian Approach and a Half-Pringle Maneuver. Surg. Endosc; May 2013; 27(5):1840-1.

  65. Perini MV, Fink MA, Yeo DA, Carvalho CA, Morais CF, Jones RM, Christophi C. Primary Liver Leiomyoma of the Liver: A Review of this Unusual Tumor. ANZ J Surg; April 2013; 83(4):230-3.

  66. Herman P, Kruger JA, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Lupinacci RM. Laparoscopic Hepatic Posterior Sectionectomy: A Hand-Assisted Approach. Ann Surg Oncol; April 2013; 20(4):1266.

  67. Yeo D, Perini MV, Muralidharan V, Christophi C. Focal Intrahepatic Strictures: A Review of Diagnosis and Management. HPB (Oxford); June 2012; 14(7):424-34.

  68. Herman P, Coelho FF, Perini MV, Lupinacci RM, D’Albuquerque LA, Cecconello I. Hepatocellular Adenoma: An Excellent Indication for Laparoscopic Liver Resection. HPB (Oxford); June 2012; 14(6):390-5.

  69. Yeo D, Perini MV, Starkey G, Fink MA, Wang BZ, Jones RM, Christophi C. Use of LigasureTM Impact to Facilitate Dissection During Liver Transplantation” Immunology and Cell Biology 2012; 90; A1-30.

  70. Yeo D, Chandran S, Perini MV, Starkey G, Testro A, Jones R, Angus P. Liver Transplantation for Erythropoetic Protoporphyria (EPP) – Case. Immunology and Cell Biology 2012; 90; A14-A14.

  71. Lupinacci R, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Perini MV, Herman P. Hilar Lymph Node Involvement in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases – An Overview. J Gastrointest Dig Sys; 2011; S6:002, doi: 10.4172/2161-069X.

  72. Perini MV, Coleho FF, Makdissi FF, Lupinacci R, Machado MA, Herman P. Strategies to increase resectability in colorectal liver metastases. ABCD; 2011, 24(4), 324-327. 10.1590/S0102-67202011000400014.

  73. Herman P, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Saad W, D’Albuquerque LA. Does Bilioenteric Anastomosis Impair the Results of Liver Resection in Patients with Primary Intrahepatic Lithiasis? World Journal of Gastroenterology; 2010 Jul 21;16(27):3423-6.

  74. Herman P, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Saad W, D’Albuquerque LA. Half-Pringle Maneuver: A Useful Tool in Laparoscopic Liver Resection.J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A; February 2010; 20(1):35-7.

  75. Matheus AS, Montagnini AL, Jukemura J, Perini MV, Haddad L, Abe ES, Penteado S, Cunha JEM. Does Octreotide Has Any Beneficial Effect in Patients with High Risk to Develop Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreaticoduodenectomy: A Prospective Randomized Trial. Gastroenterology, 2009, 136, 5 Supplement 1.

  76. Herman P, Coelho FF, Lupinacci R, Perini MV, Machado MA, D’Albuquerque LC, Cecconello I. Laparoscopic Liver Resections. ABCD 2009, 22(4); 226-232. 10.1590/S0102-67202009000400009.

  77. Perini MV, Herman P, D’Albuquerque LS, Saad WA. Unusual Cause of Gastro-Intestinal Bleeding in Cirrhotic Patient: Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Gastric Invasion. Report of a Case and Review of the Literature. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int; August 2009; 8(4):431-3.

  78. Perini MV, Montagnini AL, Jukemura J, Penteado S, Abdo EE, Patzina R, Cecconello I, Cunha JEM. Clinical and Pathologic Prognostic Factors for Curative Resection for Pancreatic Cancer. HPB (Oxford); 2008; 10(5):356-62.

  79. Perini MV, Herman P, D’Albuquerque LA, Saad WA. Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Liver: Report of a Rare Case and Review of the Literature. Int J Surg; 25 October 2008; 396-9.

  80. Machado MC, Machado MA, Perini MV, Herman P, Jukemura J, Leite KR, Bacchella T. Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas: Is the Absence of Neuroendocrine Component Related to a More Malignant Behavior? Hepatogastroenterology; March-April 2008; 55(82-83):708-10.

  81. Herman P, Perini MV, Machado MA, Bacchella T, Pugliese V, Cunha JEM, Saad W, Machado MC, Gama-Rodrigues JJ. Liver Resection as the Definitive Treatment for Unilateral Non-Oriental Primary Intra-Hepatic Lithiasis. American Journal of Surgery; April 2006; 191(4):460-4 PMID 16532236.

  82. AS Matheus, AL Montagnini, J Jukemura, Perini MV, Penteado S, Abdo E, Jureidini R, Cunha JEM. Risk factors for pancreatic fistula. Does it have a clinical application for early identification of patients with high risk to develop pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy? - Pancreas, 2006.

  83. Coimbra F, Montagnini AL, Diniz A, Herman P, Perini MV. The Prognostic Factor of The Ratio of Metastatic Lymph Nodes (N-Ratio): The Impact On Survival Of Patients With Gastric Cancer In A Single Institution.” Annals of Surgical Oncology 16:87 Feb 2009.

  84. Coimbra F, Diniz A, Montagnini AL, Herman P, Perini MV. Double-Layer Technique Provides A Safe Esophagojejunal Anastomosis After Total Gastrectomy. Annals of Surgical Oncology 16:78 Feb 2009.

  85. Jukemura J, Montagnini AL, Perini MV, Almeida JLR, Cunha JEM. Acute Pancreatitis Associated with Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Pancreas. JOP; 11 January 2006; 7(1):56-1

  86. Machado MC, Figueira E, Machado MA, Jukemura J, Cunha JEM, Perini MV, Bacchella T. Portal Vein Resection: A Modified Technique for Reconstruction After Pancreaticoduodenectomy. J Surg Oncol; 1 October 2004; 88(1):52-4.

  87. Cunha JEM, Perini MV, Siqueira A, Jukemura J, Montagnini AL, Penteado S, Abdo EE. Serous Oligocystic Adenoma of the Pancreas: Case Report. Pancreatology; 2003; 3(6):482-6.

  88. Teixeira MG, Perini MV , Marques CF, Kiss D, Habr-Gama A, Gama-Rodrigues JJ. Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome: Case Report. Rev Hosp Clin Fac Med Sao Paulo (Clinics); March-April 2003; 58(2):109-12.

  89. Felix VN, Yogi I, Perini MV, Echeverria R, Bernardi C. Surgical Treatment of the Non-Complicated Gastroesophageal Reflux. Fundoaplication without Division of the Short Gastric Vessels. Archives of Gastroenterology; 2002; 39(2): 93-97.  10.1590/S0004-28032002000200005.  

  90. Felix VN, Perini MV. Pre-Operative Volemic Reposition on Trauma.” Rev Bras Terap Intens. 1997; 9(3):138-141. Article in Portuguese.

  91. Chaib E, Bertevello P, Pinto FCG, Ferreira CEH, Nagahama CI, Cahali RB, Beer I, Perini MV, Xavier ACG, Costa LJM. Main Variations of the Extrahepatic Biliary System and their Application to the So-Called "Split-Liver" Transplantation Technique. Rev Hosp Clin Fac Med SPaulo (Clinics); 1995; 50(6):311-313.


Book Chapters

A/Prof Marcos Perini has written over 20 books’ chapters at different levels of contribution within his expertise domains of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary surgery and Liver Transplantation.

  • Perini MV, Yeo D, Jones R, Christophi C. “Classic Liver Transplantation Technique.” In: Atlas of Liver Transplantation 2nd Edition, 2020. Edited by: Molmenti, E, Santibanes, E; Santibanes, M. Ed: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 2nd edition ISBN-10:9351529444. 2020.

  • Perini MV. “Liver Resection in the Treatment of Iatrogenic Biliary Strictures.” In:  Post Cholecystectomy Bile Duct Injury. Edited by: Kapor VM. Ed: Springer Nature Singapore 1st Edition to be published in 2020.  

  • Perini MV, Muralidharan V. “Surgical Infections.” In: Textbook of Surgery 4th Edition – Willey. Edited by: Prof. Julian Smith et cols, 2019. To be published in 2019.

  • Muralidharan V, Perini MV, Christophi C. “Liver Infections.” In: Textbook of Surgery 4th Edition – Willey. Edited by: Prof. Julian Smith et cols, 2019. To be published in 2019.

  • Perini MV, Fink MA. “Cholecystectomy in Cirrhotic Patients.” In: The Management of Gallstone Disease: A Practical and Evidence-Based approach. Edited by: GD Eslick et al. Ed: Springer International Publishing AG 2019 p 279-289. ISBN: 978-3-319-63884-3.  

  • Perini MV, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Herman P. “Benign Liver Tumours.” In “Tratado de Clinica Médica. Edited by: Antonio Carlos Lopes. 3rd Edition. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ed: Roca, 2015, v.1, p. 951-961. ISBN-13: 9788527728096.

  • Coelho FF, Perini MV, Lupinacci RM, Makdissi FF, Kruger JA, Herman P. “Surgical Treatment of Upper Gastro-Intestinal Haemorrhage in the Schistosomotic Patient.” In:  Atualização em Hemorragia Digestiva. Novos conceitos na sua fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento. Edited by: Zilberstein et cols. 1st Edition São Paulo. Ed: Atheneu, 2014, p. 277-89. ISBN-13: 788538805373.

  • Perini MV, Montagnini AL. “Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Oncology.” In: Tratado de Oncologia 1st Edition. Edited by: Paulo Hoff et cols. Ed: Atheneu, 2013, p1001-1006 ISBN:9788538803126.

  • Penteado S, Jukemura J, Perini MV. “Acute Pancreatitis.” In: Handbook for the Surgical Registrar: diagnosis and treatment. Edited by: Speranzini et cols. 5th Edition. Ed: Atheneu, 2013, p 568-579 . ISBN-13: 978-8538803508.

  • Coelho FF, Perini MV, Lupinacci RM, Herman P. “Western Experience in Treatment of Primary and Secondary Liver Tumours.” In: Aparelho Digestivo- Clínica e Cirurgia. Edited by: Júlio Cezar Uili Coelho. 4th Edition. São Paulo. Ed: Atheneu, 2012, p. 1715-18. ISBN: 8538802968.

  • Lupinacci RM, Coelho FF, Perini MV, Herman P. “Surgical Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer to the Liver”. Tratado de Coloproctologia. 1st Edition Sao Paulo. Edited by: Campos et cols. Ed: Atheneu, 2012, p493-498: ISBN-13:9788538803010.

  • Cunha JEM, Perini MV. “Metastases to the Pancreas.”; In: Cancer Metastasis: Biologic Basis and Therapeutics. Edited by: Danny Welch and David Lyden. Ed: Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN-13: 978-0521887212.

  • Montagnini AL, Perini MV, Cunha JEM. “Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.” In: Tratado de Gastroenterologia da Federacao Brasileira de Gastroenterologia (FGB) Edited by: Zaterka, Schlioma et cols. Ed: Atheneu. 1st Edition, 2011. ISBN: 9788538801702.

  • Cunha JEM, Perini MV, Rocha MS. “Pancreatic Cystic Tumors.” In: Tratado de Gastroenterologia da Federacao Brasileira de Gastroenterologia (FGB) Edited: Zaterka, Schlioma et cols. Ed: Atheneu. 1st Edition, 2011. ISBN: 9788538801702.

  • Montagnini AL, Perini MV. “Endocrine Tumours of the Pancreas”. Manual de Oncologia – Hospital Sirio Libanes. Edited by: Buzaid et cols,2010.  Ed: Reichmann & Affonso. ISBN:858714863X.

  • Montagnini, AL, Perini MV, Cunha, JEM. “Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.” In: Clinica Cirurgica Edited by: Joaquim José Gama-Rodrigues; Marcel Cerqueira Cesar Machado; Samir Rasslan. Clínica Cirúrgica. 1st Edition, São Paulo. Ed: Manole Ltda, 2008, v. 1, p. 795-807. ISBN: 9788520424957.

  • Cunha JEM, Perini MV. “Diseases of the Biliary System”. In: Guidelines em Gastroenterologia. Edited by: Zaterka et cols. 2008. Ed: Elservier Editora ISBN 978-85352-2889-2.

  • Cunha JEM, Perini MV. “Tumours of the Pancreas.” in: Tratado das Enfermidades Gastrintestinais e Pancreáticas. São Paulo. Edited by: Joaquim Prado. Ed:Roca Ltda, 2008, v. 1, p. 1150-1171. ISBN-13: 978-8572417716.

  • Montagnini AL, Perini MV, Chamone D. “Pancreas Cancer.”  in: Tratado de Endoscopia Digestiva. Edited by:Paulo Sakai et cols. 1st Edition. Ed: Atheneu 2005. ISBN-13:9788538805342.

  • Abdo EE, Perini MV, Chamone D. “Cystic Pancreatic Lesions.” in: Tratado de Endoscopia Digestiva. Edited by:Paulo Sakai et cols. 1st Edition. Ed: Atheneu 2005. ISBN-13:9788538805342.

  • Montagnini AL, Perini MV. “Metabolic Alterations in Cancer Patients.” In: Nutricao em Oncologia. Edited by: Hisami et cosl. 1st Edition. Ed:Lemar Livraria e Editora, 2003. ISBN:8586652202.  


International Lectures

Perini MV. “Liver retransplantation – patient selection” at Meet the Expert Session – 2021 AP-HPBA Congress, September 2021, Bali.

  • Perini MV. “ Who is an HPB Surgeon?” at HPB Surgery Service – 2021 AP-HPBA Congress, September 2021, Bali.

  • Perini MV. “Is intra- abdominal lymph node metastases a contra indication for liver resection?”. 14th World Congress of the IHPBA, November 2020, Melbourne, Australia

  • Perini MV. “Hanging Liver Maneuvre “ Annual ANZ-HPBA Conference, Canberra, September 2019.

  • Perini MV. “DCD Liver Transplantation.” 13th Annual Scientific Congress - RACS, May 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.

  • Perini MV. “Bile Duct Injury – Timing the Repair.” 13th Annual Scientific Congress - RACS, May 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.

  • Perini MV. “Liver Transplantation.” 13th Annual Scientific Congress, May 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. (Chairman).

  • Perini MV. “The AKI-Prediction Score: A New Prediction Model for Acute Kidney Injury After Liver Transplantation.”  13th IHPBA, September 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Perini MV “What to do with the Missing Liver Metastases” VIII Brazilian Chapter of the IHPBA, November 2017, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

  •  Perini MV. “Treatment of Intra-Hepatic Choloangiocarcinoma.” 6th Biennial Congress of the Asia-Pacific HepatoPancreatoBilliary Association, June 2017, Yokohama, Japan.

  • Perini MV. “Surgical Techniques for the Treatment of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma.” 9th Sino-Australian Congress in Surgical Oncology, October 2016, Hang-Zhou, China.

  •  Perini MV. “Other Ablation Techniques for Liver Lesions: When and How.” International Congress IHPBA, April 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Perini MV. “Synchronous Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis: Is Simultaneous Liver Resection Desirable?” International Congress IHPBA, March 2014, Seoul, Korea.

  • Perini MV. “ Surgical Management of Cystic Liver Lesions” . GASTRAO, August, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Perini MV. “ Management of Gallbladder Polyps”. VII - Brazilian Digestive Disease Week, May, 2006, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Perini MV, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Makdissi FF, Cecconello I, Herman P. “Simultaneous Resection of Synchronous Colorectal Liver Metastase.” International Congress of IHPBA, April 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Perini MV, Starkey GM, Koh SK, Riddiough G, Jones R, Christophi C. “Laparoscopic Treatment of Patent Ductus Venosus.” International Congress of IHPBA, April 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Perini MV, Coelho FF, Kruger JP, Herman P. “Extended Right Hepatectomy in the Treatment of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma.” International Congress of IHPBA, April 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Herman P, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Fonseca GM, D’Albuquerque LAC, Cecconello I. “Laparoscopic Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Single Center Experience.” International Congress IHPBA, March 2014, Seoul, Korea.

  • Lupinacci RM, Mello ES, Pinheiro RS, Marques G, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Perini MV, Herman P. “Prognostic Implication of Mucinous Histology in Resected Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases.” International Congress IHPBA, March 2014, Seoul, Korea.

  •  Herman P, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Kruger JA, Fonseca GM, Dalbuquerque LAC, Cecconello I. “Laparoscopic Resection of Hepatic Adenoma: Single Center Experience.” 14th Annual Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Congress, February 2014, Miami, USA. HPB, 2014. v. 16. p. 428.

  •  Kruger JA, Coelho FF, Perini MV, Herman P. “Minimally Invasive Approach to Nonlaparoscopic Liver Resections.” 14th Annual Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Congress, February 2014, Miami, USA. HPB, 2014. v16 p709.

  • Perini MV, Yeo D, Muralidharan V, Christophi C. “Perihepatic Nodal Status during Liver Resection for Colorectal Metastasis is not a Contra-Indication for Surgery.” 3rd Biennial Congress – Asia Pacific HPBA, September 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Perini MV, Yeo D, Muralidharan V, Christophi C. “Update on Surgical Management of Synchronous and Metachronous Liver/Lung Metastases from Colorectal Cancer” 3rd Biennial Congress – Asia Pacific HPBA, September 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Perini MV, Coelho FF, Lupinacci RM, Herman P, Cecconello I. “Anterior Approach Using the Hanging Liver Maneuver for Large HCC.” 3rd Biennial Congress – Asia Pacific HPBA, September 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Herman P, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Lupinacci RM, Cecconello I. “Totally Laparoscopic Liver Resections – a Single Center Initial Experience.” 3rd Biennial Congress – Asia Pacific HPBA, September 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Herman P, MV Perini, Coelho FF, Lupinacci RM, D’Albuquerque LAC, Cecconello I. “Half Pringle Maneuver: a Useful Tool in Laparoscopic Liver Resection.” 3rd Biennial Congress – Asia Pacific HPBA, September 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Perini MV, Lopasso FP, Sobrozza E, Sayao RH, Requena J, Cruz A, D’Albuquerque LAC, Cecconello I. “Could Prior Splenectomy Modulate Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Expression during Liver Regeneration?” 3rd Biennial Congress – Asia Pacific HPBA, September 2011, Melbourne, Australia. (Poster)

  • Perini MV, Montagnini AL, Patzina R, Coudry R, Jukemura J, Penteado S, Diniz A, Abdo EE, Bacchella T, Cecconello I.   “Does EGFR Expression in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (PA) and Lymph Node Metastases Have Any Impact In Long Term Survival?” 3rd Biennial Congress – Asia Pacific HPBA, September 2011, Melbourne, Australia. (Poster)

  • Herman P, Coelho FF, Perini MV, Lupinacci R, D’Albuquerque LAC, Cecconello I. “Laparoscopic Resection of Hepatic Adenoma: Indication, Feasibility and Safety.” 3rd Biennial Congress – Asia Pacific HPBA, September 2011, Melbourne, Australia. (Poster)

  • Abdo EE, Perini MV, Montagnini AL, Rohde CBS, Paganelli PM, Penteado S, Matheus AS, Haddad LB, Jukemura J, Cecconello I. “Benign Biliary Stricture: Early and Late Outcomes.” International HBPA Congress, April 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Herman P, Perini MV, Coelho FF, Lupinacci RM, Cecconello I. “Totally Laparoscopic Liver Resections – a Single Center Initial Experience.” International HBPA Congress, April 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Herman P, Coelho FF, Perini MV, Lupinacci RM, D’Albuquerque LAC, Cecconello I. “Laparoscopic Resection of Hepatic Adenoma: Indication, Feasibility and Safety.” International HBPA Congress, April 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Matheus A, Perini MV, Penteado S, Montagnini AL, Jukemura J, Jureidini R, Abdo EE, Cunha JEM. “Does Octreotide Has Any Beneficial Effect in Patients with High Risk to Development of Pancreatic Fistula after Pancretouodenectomy: A Prospective Randomized Trial.” The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract Congress – SSAT, June 2009, Chicago, USA.

  • Perini MV, Montagnini AL, Jukemura J, Penteado S, Abdo EE, Jureidini R, Bacchella T, Machado MCC, Cecconello I. “Clinical and Pathological Prognostic Factors after Resection for Pancreatic Cancer: Short and Long Term Results of Two Limb Reconstruction.” 40th Annual Meeting Pancreas Club Inc, May 2006, New Orleans, USA. (Poster)

  • Perini MV, Montagnini AL, Jukemura J, Penteado S, Abdo EE, Patzina R, Cecconello I, Cunha JEM. “Clinical and Pathologic Prognostic Factors for Curative Resection for Pancreatic Cancer.” I International Congress of the Brazilian Chapter of International HBPA, June, 2005, Sao Paulo, Brazil. This work won the prize for best Oral.

  • Perini MV, Penteado S, Montagnini AL, Jukemura J, Jureidini R, Abdo EE, Cunha JEM. “Laparoscopic Re-Operation in the Treatment of Residual Cystic Duct Stones.” I International Congress of the Brazilian Chapter of International HBPA, June, 2005, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Herman P, Perini MV, Machado MA, Motagnini AL, Bacchella T, Cunha JEM, Machado MCC. “Liver Resection for the Treatment of Primary Intra Hepatic Lithiasis” XXXIII Brazilian Congress of Surgery – Brazilian College of Surgery, 2003, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Cunha JEM, Perini MV, Almeida JL, Jukemura J, Montagnini AL, Penteado S, Jureidini R, Viana E, Abdo EE. “Acute Pancreatitis Secondary to Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Pancreas” XXXIII Brazilian Congress of Surgery – Brazilian College of Surgery, June, 2003, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

  • Perini MV, Penteado S, Motagnini AL, Jukemura J, Jureidini R, Abdo EE, Cunha JEM. “Laparoscopic Re-Operation in the Treatment of Residual Cystic Duct Stones.” XXXIII Brazilian Congress of Surgery – Brazilian College of Surgery, June, 2003, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

  • Montagnini AL, Jukemura J, Penteado S, Herman P, Perini MV, Machado MCC, Cunha JEM. “Pancreatic Resection in the Elderly: A Single Center Experience.” XXXIII Brazilian Congress of Surgery – Brazilian College of Surgery, June, 2003, Porto Alegre Brazil.

  • Perini MV. “Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Stone Treatment.” Brazilian Congress of Laparoscopic Surgery – SOBRACIL, May, 2003, Goiania, Brazil.

  • Perini MV. “Breast Cancer Metastases to the Right Colon: Case Report and Literature Review.” Brazilian Congress of Colorectal Surgery, October 2002, Ouro Preto, Brazil.

  • Perini MV. “Blue Rubber Nevus Syndome – Case Report and Literature Review.” Brazilian Congress of Colorectal Surgery,  October 2002, Ouro Preto, Brazil.

  • Perini MV. “Fatal Complication of Oesophageal Perforation – Aortic Pseudoaneurysm.” XXXIV Brazilian Congress of Vascular Surgery, October 2001, Brazil.

  • Perini MV, Lopasso FP et al. “Alkaline Reflux Esophagitis: Experimental Model.” VII International Meeting of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, August 2000, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Oral)

  • Perini MV, Lopasso FP et al. “Alkaline Reflux Esophagitis: Experimental Model.” II International Congress of Research in Medicine / VI National Congress of Brazilian Society of the SOBRADPEC, November 1999, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Winner of the Best Poster)

  • Perini MV. “Pleuro-Pericardic Cyst.” IV Brazilian Congress of Laparoscopic Surgery – SOBRACIL and I Latin America Conjoint Meeting in Laparoscopic Surgery (Mercosul), October 1999,  Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Perini MV. “Hepatic Biliary System Anatomy Study Applied to the Split-Liver Transplantation Technique.” II Forum de Iniciacao Cientifica em Clinica Cirurgica e Cirurgia Experimental, August 1995, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.